DELF Junior Preparation Class for CPS students

General information

How to register

Application Form Level DELF A1

Please complete the form and the placement test to enroll in the class for the level DELF A1 Junior. 

Application Form Level DELF A2

Please complete the form and the placement test to enroll in the class for the level DELF A2 Junior. 

Registrations for the exam session

Please note that the enrollment for the exam session must be done separately from the enrollment for the class.

General information

Following the success of the previous French after-school program, Camberwell Primary School and the Alliance Française de Melbourne will be working together again in 2024 to provide a course for the preparation of the DELF Junior A1 and A2 examination. These classes will be run by teachers from the Alliance Française de Melbourne throughout Term 3 and Term 4 online via Zoom.

They will be specifically designed to address the needs and levels of Grades 3 to 6 primary school students who would like to take the examination of the DELF and to obtain an official recognition of their level of proficiency in French.

The curriculum content of these classes will be based on DELF preparation textbooks and other material supporting the preparation for the DELF exams. The DELF (Diplôme Elémentaire de Langue Française / Diploma in French language) is a series of national examinations aimed at Primary and Secondary school students who either learn French as a second language or for French native speakers living outside of France. The exam is a national official diploma and is valid for life.

Would you like to enroll your child in a DELF Junior preparation class? Please follow the below instructions. The Alliance Française will  consider each application and make the final decision.

Enrolments for the DELF examination must be made separately from the course. Cost of the exam is not included in the course. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer service team. 

Class schedule: Classes will take place online from 4.30 until 6 pm.

Wednesday 28th August 2024 Wednesday 9th October 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024 Wednesday 16th October 2024
Wednesday 11th September 2024 Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Wednesday 18thSeptember 2024 Wednesday 30th October 2024
No classes during the school holidays
21 Sep 2024 6 Oct 2024

Please note spots are limited to 12 children per level.

Please download the document for the precise schedule:

Schedules Schedules





How to register

To apply for A1

Please complete the form and the placement test to enroll in the class for the level DELF A1 Junior. 

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (parents)
Email Address (parents)
Age in November 2024 
Class level in Camberwell Primary School
Assessement : Tu écris une lettre à un ami pour l’inviter à ton anniversaire ce week-end. Tu lui dis quelles activités vous allez faire. Tu lui demandes d'apporter un cadeau. (environ 8 lignes)

To apply for A2

Please complete the form and the placement test to enroll in the class for the level DELF A2 Junior. 

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (parents)
Email Address (parents)
Age in November 
Class level in Camberwell Primary School
Assessment: Pierre, ton ami français t’invite pour un concert. Malheureusement, tu ne peux pas y aller. Tu lui écris une courte lettre pour lui expliquer pourquoi tu ne peux pas venir et tu lui proposes une autre activité à la place.

Have a question?

If you have a question or want to make a general query simply fill in the form and we will be happy to help.

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address