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Get started: learn French face-to-face at one of our Melbourne campuses, or join our online French courses from the comfort of your home, or anywhere you are! Whatever you decide, your learning journey will be in our expert hands.

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(A1) Beginner

Beginner 1

Comprehensive Courses

Bienvenue beginners!

It's fantastique that you've decided to learn French. You've come to the right place! In this class, we will take you through the basics and have you speaking French from day one!

Among other topics, you will cover:

- Greetings and introductions (Bonjour, je m'appelle Julie)
- Introducing yourself (Je suis française, j'ai 30 ans, je suis actrice)
- Asking for basic information (Tu parles quelle langue ?)
- Telling the time (Il est dix-sept heures)
- Expressing your likes and dislikes (J'adore le camembert)

This class is for complete beginners with no experience of French. If you have any prior experience in French, book a free level assessment to find out which class is the most suitable for you.

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book list

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Beginner 2

Comprehensive Courses

With the basics under your belt, you will begin to speak French with more confidence. In this course, we will talk about the weather, getting around town, going shopping, and making plans.

Your learning will include:

- Using more verbs in the present tense (Je prends le train)
- Asking questions with "est-ce que" (Est-ce que tu aimes le cinéma ?)
- Placing adverbs to describe frequency (Je bois souvent du café)
- Describing quantity (Il y a beaucoup de beurre dans la cuisine française)
- Demonstrative adjectives (Tu vas faire quoi ce week-end ?)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book list

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Beginner 4

Comprehensive Courses

Continue to progress in leaps and bounds as we guide you towards the end of your Beginner journey!

Among other topics, this class will cover:

- Talking about family & housing (J'habite avec mes parents dans un appartement lumineux au centre-ville)
- Going to the doctor (J'ai mal à la gorge)
- Making comparisons (La nouvelle maison a plus de chambres que l'ancienne)
- Giving instructions (Ne bois pas de café après 16h)
- Correctly placing adjectives (Elle a acheté un nouveau dictionnaire français)
- An introduction to direct object pronouns (Cette lampe, je la trouve belle) and relative pronouns (Je vais chez le docteur qui habite près de chez moi)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, see the AFM Book list

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Beginner 5

Comprehensive Courses

You're about to cross the finish line on the Beginner level, Intermediate is on the horizon!

Among other topics, this course will focus on:

- Revising verb tenses (Je viens de rentrer chez moi et je vais regarder Netflix)-
- Direct object pronouns (Tu invites tes parents ? Oui, je les invite)
- Discussing quantity using the pronoun en (Du fromage ? Nous n'en avons plus)
- Talking about future events (Pour les prochaines vacances, nous irons en Europe)
- Discovering l'imparfait (C'était l'hiver, il faisait froid)
- Describing someone you met (Julie est agricultrice, elle est drôle et généreuse, nous nous entendons bien)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book list

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks
(A2) Intermediate

Intermediate 1

Comprehensive Courses

Welcome to Intermediate, you're hitting new milestones! Now, we will take your French to the next level.

Among other topics, this course will cover:

- News and social media (Les auditeurs écoutent l'émission de radio)
- Education and the world of work (Elle a démissionné pour créer son entreprise)
- Direct (Appelle-la !) and indirect object pronouns (Tu dois lui envoyer le rapport)
- Making comparisons (J'écris autant de tweets que toi)
- Temporal expressions il y a, depuis, pendant (Nous habitons à Lyon depuis deux ans)
- Obligation (Pour progresser, il faut réviser)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book List

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Intermediate 2

Comprehensive Courses

As your confidence grows, so does your ability to use more complex language. Who better to teach real French than our native speaking tutors? C'est parti !

Among other topics, this course will cover:

- Travelling and exercising (Pour entretenir mon corps, je m'entraîne chaque jour)
- Sensations and the natural world (Tu entends les feuilles qui craquent dans le bois ?)
- Giving your opinion about art (Je trouve que cette exposition est géniale)
- Describing emotions (Est-ce que vous êtes déçu ou en colère ?)
- Using pronouns y and en (Mes vacances ? Je m'en souviens et j'y pense souvent)
- Superlatives (Le chimpanzé est l'animal le plus intelligent)
- Adverbs with -ment (Ecoute attentivement)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book List

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Intermediate 4

Comprehensive Courses

In this course, we will give you the keys to expressing opinions and giving clear explanations and advice. The cultural focus will explore the influence of the English language in today's French language.

Among other topics, this course will cover:

- Revising tenses and reading habits (Le livre audio permet de faire plein de choses en même temps)
- Friendship & relationships (Nous avons tissé des liens forts)- an introduction to present subjunctive (Il est indispensable que tu fasses des efforts)
- Distinguishing indefinite adjectives from indefinite pronouns (Quelques étudiants sont venus / Quelques-uns sont venus)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book List.   

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Intermediate 5

Comprehensive Courses

You're now mastering the French language and can discuss a wide range of topics with greater fluency. Let's take it a step further by having real-life conversations about the world of work and family life with your tutor and classmates.

Among other topics, this course will cover:

- Adjectives - determining meaning from placement in a sentence (Le Musée d'Orsay est une ancienne gare / La gare la plus ancienne de France est Saint-Lazare)
- Agreement of past participles (Les pommes que j'ai achetées étaient délicieuses)
- The gerund (Il écoute de la musique en cuisinant)
- Cause and effect (Puisque tu es si fatigué, fais une sieste !)

This course requires textbooks to be purchased separately, please see the AFM Book List.

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

Revision & Conversation - Intermediate (A2)

Revision & Conversation Courses

You have completed the Intermediate levels and have come so far in your French-learning journey. You’ve taken in a lot of grammar and vocabulary, and are becoming more and more skilled at speaking a whole new language. C’est fantastique! 

With a focus on conversation, we will put your skills into practice to boost your confidence and proficiency when speaking French. Our native-speaking tutors are excited to help you apply your knowledge and take your French up a notch. 

No textbook is required. All material will be provided by the tutor

Pace: 1.50 hours per week over 9 weeks
(B1) Independent

DELF Training - Tout Public - B1 /B2

DELF Preparation Courses

Are you considering sitting the DELF B1 or B2 (adults) exam this year? If so, this course is for you. 

Join us for this DELF B1/ B2 exam preparation course, which will help improve your written and spoken French in time for the DELF exams. This course is designed for students who have completed our B1 or B2-level classes (Independent 4 and /or Grammar & Conversation B1+ or B2 classes) or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.  

During this course, you will become familiar with the format of the DELF exam and how you can excel in the tests. Using past exam papers, practical exercises, and advice from our expert tutors, you will practise the 4 skills of the language: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Required course material:  

B1 candidates
DELF 100% Réussite B1 Nouvelles Epreuves, ed. 2021 - ISBN:9782278102532 - Publisher: Didier

B2 candidates
DELF 100% Réussite B2 Nouvelles Epreuves. 2nd ed, 2022. - ISBN: 9782278102549 - Publisher: Didier

Our course fees do not include books. The textbook can be purchased from our partner, Intext Book Company

Intext pricing includes a generous 20% DISCOUNT on the RRP for AFM textbooks.

Intext offers FREE postage to AFM students. Enter the code AF-MELB at the checkout to receive this benefit

Unsure about your level? Book a free level assessment or take an online placement test today.

Pace: 2 hours per week over 8 weeks

Grammar & Conversation Independent B1+

Advanced /Expert Courses
With a focus on speaking skills, we will boost your confidence and fluency through lively discussions and meaningful conversations on a range of cultural topics and current affairs. Not forgetting the importance of grammar in achieving an advanced level of French, we will also consolidate the key grammar points.

We recommend spending one year in Grammar & Conversation B1+ before moving to a B2 class. 

All material provided - no textbooks required.
Pace: 2 hours per week over 8 weeks

Grammar & Conversation Independent B1+

Advanced /Expert Courses
With a focus on speaking skills, we will boost your confidence and fluency through lively discussions and meaningful conversations on a range of cultural topics and current affairs. Not forgetting the importance of grammar in achieving an advanced level of French, we will also consolidate the key grammar points.

We recommend spending one year in Grammar & Conversation B1+ before moving to a B2 class. 

All material provided - no textbooks required.
Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks
(B2) Advanced

DELF Training - Tout Public - B1 /B2

DELF Preparation Courses

Are you considering sitting the DELF B1 or B2 (adults) exam this year? If so, this course is for you. 

Join us for this DELF B1/ B2 exam preparation course, which will help improve your written and spoken French in time for the DELF exams. This course is designed for students who have completed our B1 or B2-level classes (Independent 4 and /or Grammar & Conversation B1+ or B2 classes) or who have been assessed prior to enrolling.  

During this course, you will become familiar with the format of the DELF exam and how you can excel in the tests. Using past exam papers, practical exercises, and advice from our expert tutors, you will practise the 4 skills of the language: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Required course material:  

B1 candidates
DELF 100% Réussite B1 Nouvelles Epreuves, ed. 2021 - ISBN:9782278102532 - Publisher: Didier

B2 candidates
DELF 100% Réussite B2 Nouvelles Epreuves. 2nd ed, 2022. - ISBN: 9782278102549 - Publisher: Didier

Our course fees do not include books. The textbook can be purchased from our partner, Intext Book Company

Intext pricing includes a generous 20% DISCOUNT on the RRP for AFM textbooks.

Intext offers FREE postage to AFM students. Enter the code AF-MELB at the checkout to receive this benefit

Unsure about your level? Book a free level assessment or take an online placement test today.

Pace: 2 hours per week over 8 weeks

Grammar & Conversation Advanced (B2)

Advanced /Expert Courses

With a focus on speaking skills, we will boost your confidence and fluency through lively discussions and meaningful conversations on a range of cultural topics and current affairs. Not forgetting the importance of grammar in achieving an advanced level of French, we will also consolidate the key grammar points.

We recommend spending one year in Conversation & Grammar B2 before moving to a B2/C1 class.

All material provided - no textbooks required.

Pace: 2 hours per week over 9 weeks

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