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Photo exhibition : Let's celebrate our differences - rugby world cup 2023

                                        ©Patricio Agustín Cabezas


The “Let’s Celebrate our Differences” project was created to highlight the strong link between rugby, diversity and inclusion, celebrating its commitment in the fight against all forms of discrimination.

The aim? To promote meaningful photos that celebrate differences, whatever they may be, around rugby.

Who participated?
The international challenge was free and open to photographers, amateurs and beginners alike, whether rugby fans or not.

Three categories of entries were selected by a jury of committed personalities:

  • Canon's favourite category
  • Espoir category: aged 18 to 30
  • Amateur category: over 30

Four themes to celebrate differences

- Our differences make us stronger
- Rugby to foster inclusion of people with disabilities
- Rugby to tackle discrimination
- Rugby for all genders

The thirteen photographs will be exhibited at the Alliance Française Cultural Pop-Up from October 27th to November 28th.



Photos: © Arpan Basu Chowdhury  | © Patrick Loste